Expat in the Citiy on Sunday March 6th, 2016

Next Sunday there will be the second edition of the Expat in the City international fair at the BMW World. It is a great opportunity for expatriates and international people in Munich to find valuable information for their new lives in Munich and to to mingle with other people – to get connected.

And like last year some Toastmaster clubs will also be part of it. Last year this was a big success. Let’s make it another big success this year. For this your help is needed. Toastmasters is looking for ambassadors from each club at the Toastmaster booth,  participants for the demo meeting and PR and marketing support. For more information on how you can help and be part of this great event please click here: Expat in the City and Toastmasters.

There are also many opportunites to continue with your Toastmasters’ Leadership track by undertaking some leadership roles during the event!

I myself will be in Berlin on another trainer event and therefore cannot come. However, I hope that many of you find the opportunity to join this event and help Toastmasters grow in Munich. I look forward to your stories about the event.


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