Mens sana in corpore sano – let’s go hiking

‘Mens sana in corpore sano’ is one of the most famous motto of the entire human hystory.

Victor, one of our fellow toastmaster in our club in his speech had remembered as that being able to write a good speech is not enough…

A good toastmaster combine mental with phsysical abilities! What better occasion of an hiking event?!?

On Sunday 26th April some of our Toastmaster athelts supported by valour guests went to The Rotwand (Red Wall). It is a 1,884 m high peak in the Mangfall Mountains in Bavaria.

Despite some challenges with public transportation issues. Our fellow spent a wonderful hiking day with sunny weather and they practiced their oratory skills in the Bavarian sky!

Thanks to all people participating and we hope next time to increase the size of the group 🙂



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