Reverse Meeting on 19 April 2016 – a Brief Review

Reverse Meeting Munich Toastmasters 19 April 2016Yes, we gave it a try and and held a reverse meeting yesterday, on 19 April 2016. The evening was led by the Toastmaster of the evening Dominik.

  • Have you ever evaluated the evening at the beginning of the evening?
  • Have you ever done an evaluation without having heard the speech?
  • Have you ever given a time report without having timed speeches beforehand?
  • Have you ever delivered the Grammarian report before the evening even officially started?

These are just a few examples which made the evening quite challenging for the moderators and evaluators but … 

… but also very funny. They had to be creative and I think we heard great examples of creative thinking in our club. Well done!

So what is the conclusion out of this reverse meeting? For the guests it was confusing and the learning effect out of the evaluations was – of course – very limited. On the other hand the speakers still received the completed evaluation forms which was good. And these forms were completed after the speech and not before the speech. 😉 Therefore no speaker can say that he or she has not taken anything home at all. Should we do all meetings like this? No, I think and hope not!

But for me as a longstanding Toastmaster member it was so much fun as well. Why not doing this from time to time as a change, challenge and a matter of creativity? It was an evening with even more impromptu speeches than normally.

I enjoyed it very much. Thanks to everybody who actively participated in the meeting!

But what about you? How did you like the evening? Please feel free to post your comments on the evening here.



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