The September Leader Letter

The following information may be posted on your club’s website or Facebook page, or in your club newsletter.

Congratulations to the New World Champion of Public Speaking!

The 2014 title was awarded to Dananjaya Hettiarachchi from Nawala Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka, with his winning speech, “I See Something.” Watch video clips from Mr. Hettiarachchi’s speech. Second- and third-place winners were, respectively, Kwong Yue Yang from Guangzhou, China, with his speech, “Four Words” and Kelly Sargeant from Houston, Texas, with her speech, “Good Bye Wi-Fi.” View the full list of finalists

Watch Convention Events Online

Did you miss the 2014 International Convention? Or do you want to experience it all again? Sign up for Toastmasters On Demand, an easy-to-use website where you can pay to watch convention events instantly on any device with Internet. You can also buy a DVD of the World Championship of Public Speaking from the site.

Coming Soon: The New

The sleek, updated website will soon be ready for members to explore. The redesign will provide easier navigation, interactive multimedia, a resource library and a new online store. Stay tuned for updates.

Celebrate Toastmasters’ 90th Anniversary

In October, pay tribute to the rich history and legacy of Toastmasters International and celebrate in your club or district. Bookmark to access fun resources and check it throughout the year for updates.

Meet Our New Board Members

New Board members were elected for the 2014-2016 term at the 2014 Annual Business Meeting. Click here to learn more about them.

Need Help?

Can’t find an answer to your question on Toastmasters Internationals’ Frequently Asked Questions webpage? The staff at World Headquarters can assist you. The Email Contacts webpage will point you to the right team.

Submit Dues Renewals Online

Club officers: Please submit dues renewals through Club Central by October 1.

Guest Packets Make a Great First Impression

Welcome club visitors by offering them guest packets with information about your club and the organization. This month, receive a 10-percent discount on guest packets when you use the promo code ADDFIVE at checkout.

Make Your Team Exceptional

As a leader, you have an extraordinary opportunity to build a strong team. The article “What Makes an Exceptional Team?” can help you build and manage a successful group.

Seeking International Officers and Directors

Toastmasters International relies on strong leaders who have the ability and foresight to support and grow our organization. If you are interested in becoming an international officer or director, consult the International Officer and Director Candidates and Board of Directors Handbook to learn more about the attributes required for a successful Board member.

District Treasurer: Is Your Year-end Audit Report Filed?

The 2013-2014 Year-end Audit Report and supporting documents were due August 31. If you have not submitted them to World Headquarters, please do so. Send your questions

Meet Program Requirements by September 30

Ensure that your district is eligible for the Distinguished District Program. Complete the Division and Area Governors Training Report and District Success Plan, and submit them through District Central by September 30.

Submit Your District Budget

District treasurers, your 2014-2015 district budget is due to World Headquarters by September 30. Download the updated annual budget template from the District Finance Corner and reviewWebinar 5: Managing Budgets to learn how to complete the spreadsheet template. Please email your budget to Submit questions

Apply Now to Become a Region Advisor

The region advisor is instrumental in helping districts grow by providing marketing support, coaching, mentoring and training. If you are interested in becoming a region advisor, or would like to learn more, visit the region advisor information webpage. Applications for the 2015-2016 program year are due bySeptember 30.

Appoint Your Nominating Committee Chair

As you know, the district nominating committee is responsible for nominating candidates for district office. District governors, please appoint a nominating committee chair no later thanOctober 1 and the remaining committee members by November 1.

Grow Your District with a Club Extension Chair

Your district can assign a club extension chair to assist the district governor and lieutenant governor marketing with new club leads. A club extension chair is a great resource to help your district contact leads in a timely manner. To request this additional support, send an email to After your request is received, lead information will be forwarded to your district governor, lieutenant governor marketing and club extension chair.

Purchase or Design Conference Supplies

Consider purchasing branded supplies for your October/November conference from the Toastmasters Online Store. This flier illustrates the range of customizable products available. If you plan to design a unique item, please follow the trademark and brand guidelines outlined in the Brand Portal and Brand Manual, and complete theTrademark Use Request Form.

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