Special Event: Icebreaker Evening on 18th November

Dear all,

Toastmaster international is celebrating the 90th Birthday. Munich Toastmaster club wants to dedicate the next special event on 18th November to this anniversary.

Special Event: Icebreaker Evening

When: on Tue 18th November

What: special evening where we invite new members to give their first icebreaker and experienced members to live again the emotions of their first speech (with no evaluation)

What we are looking for:

  • New members wanting to give their first speech
  • Experienced members for a new icebreaker experience

By interest or for more info, please contact Clarissa, our special event Chair (new VP Education) at vp-education@munich-toastmasters.de


Felix becomes an official member of the Club after his icebreaker

Felix Icebreaker

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