Summer 2018 – Special Outdoor Meeting at Königsplatz (Confirmed!)


It´s summertime, the weather is fine and it´s about that time…. to hold our annual outdoor meeting at Königsplatz!

The key to a successful outdoor event is the weather! And anyone who has lived in Munich for a while knows that predicting the weather around here can be tricky. So here’s the plan;

We are going to name two dates, if the first one gets rained out we will go with the follow-up date two weeks later. Therefore the target date for our outdoor meeting will be Tuesday, June 26th at 19:00! The follow up date, in case of rain, will be July 10thThe meeting on June 26th will be either confirmed or cancelled, according to the weather forecast, a day or two in advance which will be indicated on our webpage.

We will hold our meeting on the steps of the Glyptothek, which is the building straight across on the opposite (North) side of the Platz.

As with all our events, guests are warmly welcome.

So come one come all and recapture the feeling of the ancients of Greece and Rome, speaking outdoors on the sun-warmed stone steps of a magnificent columned structure!

Edit: Weather forecast looks good, meeting confirmed!

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